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Dr Kamala Maddali


Health Collaborations LLC





Branding, Culture, Growth, Marketing, Partnerships, Product management, Sales, Hiring


Bio, IT, SaaS, Health

Kamala K. Maddali is celebrated for her global leadership in life sciences innovation, precision medicine, and healthcare strategies. With a DVM from India and a PhD in pharmacology from the USA, her unique blend of clinical and pharmacological expertise underpins her visionary approach to healthcare. Dr. Maddali's career spans roles at Fortune-100 companies, contributing significantly to cancer research, AI, and digital health. Her personal journey, marked by overcoming rare disease challenges, fuels her commitment to patient-centric healthcare. Recognized among PharmaVOICE's top-100 inspiring life sciences figures, she actively supports educational and empowerment initiatives, embodying transformative leadership in global health. In her career, she has guided many start-ups in the AI, Digital Health, Precision Medicine arena by taking fractional responsibilities working closely with the CEO/CBO/CCO/CMO level candidates.

Dr. Maddali has and continues to suffer from multiple challenges, including mental health issues as a rare disease neuro–degenerative patient (with signs similar to Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s) that would have driven others to give up. But she chose to tower over her struggles, much like her name, and the title of the memoir she authored, Becoming a Kamala, rising above the sludge of trials towards the sunshine of triumphs, unveiling her various ‘avatars’, as she puts it, in her pursuit towards becoming a better human, woman and a rare disease patient.

Dr. Maddali was nominated for a TEDx talk in 2022 relating to her personal journey to the professional excellence she brought through her leadership in "Artificial Intelligence" in almost refining it as "Augmentative, Accelerating, Authentic, Audacious, Auspicious" ways for patients, physicians, and the general public to access lifesciences innovation and intelligence.

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